Sunday, August 23, 2009

The "Lo-o-ser" Deal!

Part of me suspects that I'm a loser, and the other part of me thinks I'm God Almighty

-John Lennon

There might have been many scenarios where you would have felt like "I feel like a Looser" or you would have addressed somebody as "A Looser" or bitched about somebody ,calling that somebody a "Looser"I am no exception. Now some thought to feed the mind. I don't know how many people would be familiar with the typewriter myths or legends.... or may be about the 'QWERTY' order story.I don't want to go into the details but if you want more information you can see it at < or>. OK before you go check these sites let me tell why i am talking bout this. Some XYZ has changed the keys order of the typewriter/keyboard to the "QWERTY" order to solve some technical issues. From then on nobody cared to change it or question it thus it became universal. Now nobody even cares about the order, it is accepted as a De facto. It was not a scientific rule to be followed or a design specification. It was very very human in fact. Therefore nobody has set a standard or created a law(i am not talking about patents). So similar to the Key order situation people just blindly follow something set by somebody( just like us...a common man.) So he sets these so called "standards"..who specifies who is a "LOOSER!!". Nobody does. I hope you are able to relate why i talked bout the Key order. If we apply that to everything that happens in our lives we can see where we are heading to.... If you give it a thought we are not heading anywhere but we are blindly following...Nobody has the right to categorize what you are or who you are..nobody has the right to criticize you or look down upon you... if they are then you have given them that have never stood up for your self... You feel the same about your self,so you never fought back..."Patience after a limit is COWARDICE " Its time everybody realizes that ,'You are what you think'..every soul on this planet is UNIQUE in its own way...if you can't respect that and accept that then you know what you really are ("L" ;))....

So do you get the deal now?

You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself to be.

Note: I read an article similar to what i wrote... so i thought i ll share it in my words with all my readers :)


Wandering Minstrel said...

sure..what you say makes sense..but at the same time success means different things to different things.. they say 'if EVERYONE's happy with you, you must've made a lot of compromises'..your success could be your way of keeping yourself/others arnd you happy while the same thing could mean a loser deal to someone else..all i'm trying to say is..just do what you feel is right..just follow your heart..ppl who have issues will ALWAYS have ' just can't help it :)

Shilpa said...

Exactly, thats what i want to convey :)

Way to go babe!

Wandering Minstrel said...

demands posts more frequently :|

avadr (word verifcation! ) :|

Varun said...

I think QWERTY and "following" are two separate issues.

1. QWERTY is still followed because of its optimum design. Even though Sholes designed it first, it didn't have "1's"/"0's" etc. The point being: the one that we are using right now is exactly not the original one. There were "changes".

2. Following is dumb. Put aside, if you come up with something that has better ergonomics w.r.t QWERTY (in this case), people are going to accept the change once the design is 'analyzed'.

Conclusion: Following is a sin & accepting a change is not following.

I get the point that you are trying to make, but in this case I felt that the analogy was weak.

Keep bloggin Manne ! :)

Shilpa said...

Its always bad to know much anyways i appreciate your view. People tend to relate to common stuff. So that is the reason why i felt the anology the author made was easy to relate to.
Keep Commenting! :)

Shilpa said...

I am trying to but My brain cells are dead :(

Wandering Minstrel said...

how uninspired are you?? :|
BLOG woman!!

Kumar Saurabh said...

Shilpa the point which u have made does make a lot of sense. i feel that the problem lies within ourselves, success and failure is decided by mere comparison these, world compares ur life with some one so called successful and marks ur progress... and that is very cruel .. some one in previous comment mentioned about the changes ..!! well if today u get an option to choose a keyboard with QWERT and lets say ABCDE .. ppl will still go with QWERT even if ABCDE is proved to be a better option.. coz ppl resist changes..

The best thing to do is ask ppl to look into their own business and ask them to stop categorizing others life... !!
nice work though ..!!